Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I've been silent for some time... but far from idle.

I've been away at Scripture Union Camp but have since returned. To be honest I'm still gathering and processing my thoughts in the aftermath of what I perceived to be an extremely powerful week. I've had plenty of sleep since getting back... first night home, I slept 13 hours straight (more or less). I think I'm having trouble adjusting to my adrenaline levels returning to normal, as I still feel like a lump of lead.

Strangely,many of the people I have been away have come down with some kind of stomach bug... and I've noticed a lot of the people around me are in need of a friendly ear... so I'm not going to waste my current state of wellness.

Returning to the "real" world has been quite harsh... it always is when you have been in your element, the emotions that are churned up again raise the questions of "who or what are you?" and "what are you going to do?"

It's especially hard when you have a natural affection for many of the people you meet and work with, particularly when it's with God's people and expressly and exclusively for God's purpose. There's a lot to pray about at the moment... but I want to sign off tonight, by thanking those who have known my movements and have kept me in their thoughts and prayers... it was most definitely appreciated and noticeable.

May God bless you all.


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