Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sidebar Problems

Haven't got a scooby doo as to what happened to my sidebar. Probably something to do with the length of the last post. anybody got any suggestions?

Apart from telling me not waffle on! :-)

Update as at 26th January 2007:

It would appear my suspicions were correct, my last post was excruciatingly long. In order to maintain the site integrity, I'm just going to keep the number of posts per page short... until the template can cope. If you want to see what I've been talking about prior to what you see before you, you'll have to check the archive.

Why not be totally spontaneous and randomly pick an archive month to peruse... go on, you know you want to!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:16 am

    Hi Nick

    Glad you dropped by the other day. I have been lax in my blogging of late. I guess you could probably call it writer's block. Well it seems to be lifting now. I also have been experimenting with a myspace blog as well to see how that works out.

    God bless you my brother. I'll try to visit your new blog as often as I can.

    Been watching this new series here in N.A. called Heroes. I don't know if you get it there in the U.K. but I think you would enjoy it.

    Gerry (A Worshipper's Space)


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