Sunday, June 19, 2005

Faher's Day

Happy Father's Day everyone! Here's a message from Dad:
Sincere apologies to Charlotte who I shamelessly poached the link off!
You know how you get silly debates over praise song lyrics and political correctness every so often? There's one song called "Father God, I Wonder"... it's a beautiful short song of praise. There's one line that goes "now I am your son, I am adopted in your family", a lot of churches exchange "child" for "son". Being a son, it means more to me to know I am my dad's son, than his child. Don't get me wrong, all children are loved equally... but in the west we have a social stigma... sons carry their fathers hopes and dreams, even their very name into the future. So often, father's want mould their son in their own image.
I think as people and ultimately as Christian's that this is what God wants for us. He made us in his own image at the dawn of time, and he wants to restore that broken image in us through his firstborn Son Jesus.

Take a little time to think about the words in that short video, and consider what they mean personally for you.

Some people have a very negative experience of their human father, some have no experience at all. Those of us who have had good fathers should thank God for that. If you are one of the people who has not, I hope that video reassures you that there is hope and love there for you.... no matter the pain, no matter the loss.

Today is quite hard for me, it's another day in the year when I see other's celebrate for themselves, the things I long to be, yet I can only appreciate them from a distance. It's hard not to lay your dreams on the altar when people keep picking them up and waving them in your face. It seems barely a day goes by when so and so is getting married, or x&y are having a baby. Don't get me wrong... to focus on these things would make them all the more difficult to manifest or realise. If I did that, then my hopes, my dreams would be idols... and I wouldn't deserve them. Things just seem always out of reach, and I find it a hard part of my personal cross to carry.
One nice thing that happened though... got a card from my Godson Benji! Have a very happy Father's Day folks... no matter what your circumstances I pray you find joy and meaning in it.
Happy Father's Day.

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