Monday, June 11, 2007

You Can Call Me Sir!

Yesterday was an interesting experience. It was the annual Alcester Street Market, this year themed around Medieval history. Well as you all know, I love any old excuse to dress up in ridiculous costume and have fun. So that, is exactly what I did. Why don't you play Nick's Sanctuary's version of "Where's Wally?" We'll call it "Nobble Nick":

Did you spot me? I stick out a fair bit! It's a little easier in the picture below:

The above pictures were taken during the initial parade. You can't see them here, but I had been persuaded by John Bunting to pursue a bunch of female bandits in green tights... but they escaped into the hustle and bustle of the busy market... and from there, probably back into the enchanted woods. I had to settle for tracking down a fearsome and terrible beast that stalked the church... but unfortunately my mother had returned to the Alcester in Bloom stall by then! Instead I held aloft my magic sword (er wrong show) and prepared to strike a fatal blow to the BBC Coventry and Warwickshire mascot... a terrifying demon that appeared in the form of a giant green duck (A bit like Orville on steroids)! It soon scarpered when it saw me coming though.

The weather was glorious... which isn't always a good thing when you are wearing long sleeves, full length trousers and dark colours. I managed to catch the sun throughout my brave exploits and noble pursuits as Sir Nick - Lord Protector of the Order of the Sanctuary.

Throughout the day we were treated to music from both the 60's and 80's era - a nice mix for everyone there. I remember dancing around, singing aloud and generally waving my sword about to synth pop and some of the classic retro school disco hits of yesteryear.

I was captivated and bewitched by a few fair maidens I had spotted throughout the day... particularly one who had obviously spotted the rather tragic dancing white knight dancing I was exhibiting (or maybe I ahould say she had been checking out my "knight moves" - *groan*). I could have rescued her from the dragons and dark wizards if only she'd been paying more attention.

All in all, by far the best street market in a long stretch... it was something EVERYONE could get in to and dress up for. Medieval stuff captures kids imaginations... Victorian and Edwardian stuff does not!

I thoroughly enjoyed taking part, even if I did have to be peeled out of my costume by nightfall.

I should also add that I have rather excitedly entered a rubber duck race for the first time in my life. I'm going to christen my little fellow "Duck Dodgers", I'll let you know how he gets on.

Is rubber duck racing ecologically ethical? Isn't there some kind of law against dumping that amount of plastic in a river? ;-)

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